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Peterburi territoriaalne diabeetikukeskus 4
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3 (SNPi3) and intron 4 (SNPi4) are just flanking exon 4. The ruler depicts distance from the PU.1 transcription start site. The location of each SNP is encoded with the last 4 digits of their position in the reference sequence with gene accession number cNT 009237.17; eg, DHR1 is located at position 46194424.
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2018/07/04 : Media Statement from Eastern Cape Media Centre Corporate Communication and Liaison South African Police Service. The SAPS can confirm that an inquest docket has been opened for investigation following the discovery of suspected human skeletal remains at a game farm outside Port Alfred.
-> Miks kõrge kolesteroolitase ja madal veresuhkur
Die Drahtzieher hinter den Kulissen des Weltgeschehens Nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus in Europa und dem Ende des Kalten Krieges gab es einen Moment, in dem manche Menschen dach-.
-> Makrell hülssis diabeediga seotud küpsetamiseks
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Annotated corpora 28 Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae The Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae is a publication platform made available on the Internet by the Project Structure and Transformation in the Vocabulary of the Egyptian Language (former Ancient Egyptian Dictionary Project) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. First released for general use on the 31st of October.
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A similar design made by another Nuremberg manufacturer of magic lanterns Ernst Plank, complete with the accompanying wood box.: Combined normal magic lantern and episcope, made by Gebrüder Bing, Nuremberg.Inside a manoeuvrable mirror, adjustable from the top outside by a fluted knob, to lead the light of the electric lamp through the lens of the lantern or via the opaque picture.
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