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Has the Hiroshima 8-6-45 anniversary been mentioned by the US media? Edited on Fri Aug-06-04 04:15 PM by Mika. I ve seen a DU thread, but I haven t heard.08:45 8/6/45 Seventy years ago America bombed Hiroshima. The crude uranium bomb delivered only about 3 percent of its power. It was the first true weapon of mass destruction. I am reposting a history of the making the atomic bomb and its test at Trinity site in New Mexico on July 16, 1945. January 1, 2014 in A BOOK OF DAYS in NM history.Gewinnzahlen und Quoten der letzten TOTO 6aus45 Auswahlwette und Archiv der vorangegangenen Ausspielungen.
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